Proliferation of innovation in supply chain safety encapsulated in Awards Digest

TT Club and ICHCA’s concerted efforts to encourage improved levels of safety across the supply chain have brought significant results as evidenced by the number and quality of projects entered into the 2021 Innovation in Safety Awards.  The results of the over 30 organisations submitting their initiatives have now been compiled into a Digest to allow their full potential to be realised across the industry.

Initiated in 2016 and hosted by ICHCA International, the TT Club Innovation in Safety Award has been designed not just to recognise excellence in the field but above all to both encourage further resource to be invested in resolving safety issues, and to allow ground-breaking research and development to be accessed by all those operating the global supply chain.

“It is vital that the phenomenal work being carried out by the organisations that enter these Awards be made available to others who can benefit from the improved safety measures that are on display,” says Richard Steele, ICHCA’s CEO. “Consequently, we have produced this Innovation in Safety Awards Digest, which brings together details of a wide variety of products and procedures that achieve a demonstrable improvement in cargo handling and transport safety.” A copy of the Digest in PDF form is available for download HERE

TT Club, as a prominent freight transport insurer, and ICHCA International, the association representing cargo handlers, have long worked together to identify and promote operational safety in the industry.  They consistently generate safety advice and support innovation to improve safety in cargo operations and logistics.

“Our dedication to improve safety standards in the global transport and logistics industry continually is part of the core mission of TT Club as a mutual insurer specialising in liability and asset covers for freight transport and cargo handling operators and cargo handlers,” explains Peregrine Storrs-Fox, TT’s Risk Management Director.  “Founding and continuing to support this Innovation in Safety Award programme is central to who TT is and it has been rewarding to see a record number of submissions in 2021.  VIKING Life-Saving Equipment A/S was announced the winner for its HydroPen system designed to fight onboard container fires. But it is vital that all the innovations that were entered should be profiled in full through this Digest.” 

Submissions to the Award programme have ranged in focus from bulk cargo handling to securing containers and their cargoes; from safety reporting and education to the correct handling of dangerous materials; from environmental monitoring to fire detection and suppression. The Digest demonstrates the energy deployed globally in enhancing safety and the quality of developments.  It is hoped its publication will further encourage the industry’s commitment to safety efforts throughout the supply chain as a whole.

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