The manufacturer of sideloaders is growing

In 2015, Hubtex recorded a worldwide order inflow of €80.4 million.

In order to meet the increasing demand, the company's production capacity needed to be expanded. Therefore, at the end of the previous year, the sideloader manufacturer started with the construction of a production hall as well as the expansion of its offices and social rooms. Parallel to this, Hubtex also expanded its sideloader portfolio:
The first vehicle of the new production line will celebrate its world premiere at the end of May at CeMAt trade fair. The investments in the expansion of their product development and manufacturing facilities are part of the company's growth strategy.

Since last year Hubtex as a new management at the helm: Jürgen Keller (48), Marco Goldbach (44) and Hans-Joachim Finger (46). This revised strategy will strengthen the growth trend of the company. The strategy is broken down into product groups, market segments and individual markets. Therefore, among other things, this plan of action promises a continuous growth in sales. After recording a sales volume of € 52 million in 2014 and almost € 58 million in 2015, the sideloader manufacturer expects an additional increase in revenue of ten percent during this year. In addition, Hubtex increases its focus on potential markets. Today, the export share of the internationally operating sideloader is about 70 percent. "We will be expanding our market share in the North American automotive industry sector", explains Hans-Joachim Finger, Managing Director of Procurement and Sales at Hubtex. "Our objective for next year is to utilise available potentials and penetrating new markets". However, the strategic focal point concentrates not only on foreign markets: Since the end of 2015, Hubtex has been expanding its production at the headquarters in Fulda, Germany. "The increasing orders we received over the last few years, placed us in a position where we have reached our production's capacity limit. The construction of the new building will create space for the manufacturing of our core product, the electric multidirectional site loader", explains Finger. At this year's CeMAT, the manufacturer presents the first vehicle of its new production line of the multidirectional sideloader segment. This vehicle series is also produced in Fulda.

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